About Us


Who are we?

IT Network, have over 30 years experience in IT Support. We have consistently grown in capabilities over the years and through our successes we have earned customer recognition and loyalty. We strive to develop relationships with our clients.


Who are our Clients?

Our clients are small businesses who want to make informed, intelligent, and carefully planned decisions. Most don’t need a full time network engineer on their payroll, and we save them substantial dollars over hiring one.


Our Aims

To offer the best IT Support possible at all times, to all clients, and within budgets. To assist our clients in making the correct technology-related decisions for their company through the rendering of sound and unbiased advice.


Service Area

We provide a broad range of IT Support Services to small and medium sized businesses, such as manufacturers, physician offices, nursing homes, assisted living, accountants, educational institutions and individuals in Milwaukee County.

Why Choose Us


We pride ourselves on fast response time and quality customer service through telephone & remote support or local On-Site visit. We will promptly get your issue resolved and your employees back to work.


We offer our clients honesty, integrity, values, and the highest level of skill possible.


We guarantee 100% Customer Satisfaction on all our services.



I can’t imagine the stress our facility would be under right now if it weren’t for “PBJ Wiz” coming to the rescue. Our current payroll and timekeeping vender initially told us they would be on board with the new CMS PBJ reporting requirements. Then just a few months before the CMS mandated start date they told us they were not going to be able to offer us a solution. We were forced to think of a plan “B” with little time to prepare. We had resolved that our plan “B” would be to manually enter all staff hours, which would be a huge burden, until we mentioned this to our IT Engineer who has been servicing our Nursing Home for 20+ years. He listened to the need and researched the CMS requirements and created “PBJ Wiz”. It is beyond anything I could have imagined. He has created this program because he knew we were at a loss and it is a perfect example of how he continually goes above and beyond to satisfy a customer. We can now easily export the hours from our current timekeeping system to excel and then upload the excel file into PBJ Wiz. From there we can view and modify the data before creating the XML file. My favorite feature is the reports, I can sort and view the staff hours, by job class, date or range of dates, which gives us total assurance that we aren’t missing anything before submission to CMS. The database is so user friendly and easy to navigate. Once I reviewed all the data it was literally a click to create the zipped PBJ XML file. I am extremely excited to share that today, June 27, 2016 is the first day of CMS PBJ version 2.0 and the file we submitted was accepted by CMS!

Assistant Controller
St. Anne’s Salvatorian Campus Milwaukee, WI

Colleen Kinney